

Lumiappaday #175: Rocket Riot demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 XboxLive

| May 8, 2012 | 7 Replies

At first glance from the screenshots, Rocket Riot doesn’t look all that exciting.  This is actually a surprisingly fun and addictive game and looks really exciting in that retro-modern splash kinda thing. Apparently this was an Xbox Live arcade game that is ported to WP7. Not sure how it was on non-touch but it’s pretty awesome on the Lumia. The controls are like ‘Square Off’, navigate on the left and flick to fire on the right. But they’re much better and much more responsive, making killing the enemies more effective.

I also like the powerups – there are various available that enhance your weapon. However, beware that some powerup boxes actually hinder  you. One of the neatest things of the game is that you can destroy the environment around you – smash down the walls with your rockets. They’ll grow back over time so you can use this in your strategy.

I’ve only played the demo – there’s a campaign mode and a quick-mode available. I think it’s on my to get list. It would be an instant buy but it is slightly pricey at £3.99.

#175) Rocket Riot 

Price:  £3.99



Developer Blurb:

Strap on your bazooka soldier, and get ready for the new and improved mobile version of the awesome action-packed side-view shooter Rocket Riotâ„¢. In this highly stylized eight-bit era style game, blast your way through the environment against the strangest enemies you will ever encounter. Navigate through a completely destructible environment, uncover special power-ups, or even burrow into different areas of the map. The map regenerates, keeping the action fast-paced, but time doesn’t heal all wounds.


Design: 10

Usability: 9

Performance: 9

Price: 8


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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