
Archive for March 22nd, 2015

Grass made rugby and recycling inspired O2 Windows Phone

Grass made rugby and recycling inspired O2 Windows Phone

| March 22, 2015 | 1 Reply

Advertisements Yes, the above is somehow made of grass. 240 hours of pulping Twickenham grass clippings which are then moulded into a template which is then encased in an eco friendly resin. I can’t tell if this is a separate WP or a Lumia 520 with an alternative case. The whole thing is bonded together with […]

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Lumia 435 vs Lumia 532 vs Lumia 535

Lumia 435 vs Lumia 532 vs Lumia 535

| March 22, 2015 | 3 Replies

Italian blog, compares the low end offerings from Microsoft, Lumia 435, 532 and my favourite of the bunch 535. The first two seem identical in design but differ slightly in internals. Note that despite the 535 being highest numerically, the 532 one ups it in the glance screen arena. Advertisements

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