

N82 vs N95 camera face off

| December 15, 2007 | 0 Comments

Since ive come back from Amsterdam, ive decided to take the plunge and buy an N82. I loved the camera on it so much, but I didnt realise how much better then camera actually was. So, I decided to take a few pictures. Here is only 2 of them, but I will post some more as the days go by. First lets start with a past moving picture. These pictures were taken in a reasonably well lit room, and the fan was on full speed.N95 is the top photo, N82 underneath. Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketYou dont have to be a photography expert to notice the difference. The N82 camera is far better at handling the lighting, shutter speed and general quality of the image.Next is a colour test. This was taken off my macbook pro during a freeze-frame of Family Guy. Again, N95 on top, N82 underneath.Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketPhoto Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketAgain, it looks as if the N82 has beaten the N95 in the change of colour on the screen. The blacks are blacker, the reds are reder, and its just an overall better picture to look at.I will post some more pictures as I take them, so keep watching this post.


Category: Nokia, Nseries

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