

Nokia X3 landed (Only on o2)

| January 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Just thought I’d let you know that the latest in the new Nokia X Series, the Nokia X3 has landed in o2 shops and I’ve had a brief play and it is a very nice phone. It’s going for £100 + £10 topup and it’s only in the stores for now, not online yet as is always the case with o2’s phone’s.

The phone has good build quality, like the X6 (speaking of which O2 will be getting the X6 soon…maybe as early as in a week or two and I believe have confirmed it will be the 16GB version). The keypad is metallic and feels nice, it has the dedicated music buttons and as the video below shows, the phone can actually play radio without the headphones connected. I know I keep saying this, but it really is the little things like this which make Nokia the biggest and best phone manufacturer to date and why Nokia will always be top in my books!

Video from Nokia Conversations a while back

I don’t thing I will be able to get one to review unfortunately but if I do I’ll post on here! (If anyone in Leicester has one I could borrow to review let me know!)


Category: Nokia

About the Author ()

Blogger, and Moderator for "" by Jay Montano. When I can, I also write help guides and review on my own site: I work full time but in my spare time I also repair phones, and other electronics. Find me on Twitter: @llaadd or Youtube: llaadd

Nokia X3 landed (Only on o2)

| January 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Just thought I’d let you know that the latest in the new Nokia X Series, the Nokia X3 has landed in o2 shops and I’ve had a brief play and it is a very nice phone. It’s going for £100 + £10 topup and it’s only in the stores for now, not online yet as is always the case with o2’s phone’s.

The phone has good build quality, like the X6 (speaking of which O2 will be getting the X6 soon…maybe as early as in a week or two and I believe have confirmed it will be the 16GB version). The keypad is metallic and feels nice, it has the dedicated music buttons and as the video below shows, the phone can actually play radio without the headphones connected. I know I keep saying this, but it really is the little things like this which make Nokia the biggest and best phone manufacturer to date and why Nokia will always be top in my books!

Video from Nokia Conversations a while back

I don’t thing I will be able to get one to review unfortunately but if I do I’ll post on here! (If anyone in Leicester has one I could borrow to review let me know!)


Category: Nokia

About the Author ()

Blogger, and Moderator for "" by Jay Montano. When I can, I also write help guides and review on my own site: I work full time but in my spare time I also repair phones, and other electronics. Find me on Twitter: @llaadd or Youtube: llaadd