

Nokia Respond to Eldar's Review of (pre-production) N8

| April 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Nokia conversations today have sent out an “Amber Alert” for their missing child…the Nokia N8 which they want back!

They say that leaks are there are leaks in Nokia and it is currently and probably always will be the case because Nokia do not want to act like the “Secret Police” which I commend them on.

Doug at Nokia Conversations also admits that: “This is a very early, pre-production prototype with dated software that is not yet ready.” which I agree with, as the phone is not due for release till Summer and in that time a lot can change. I know that some of my comments in my post about Eldar’s review may seem to contradict this, but what I am referring to is just that Symbian^3 does not seems to have as many new features as I’d hoped but on the other hand, with the functions such as pinch to zoom, multiple home screens, etc, Nokia have listened to some of our concerns! (again hopefully from now till release more is done to improve the OS!)

The full story from Doug at Nokia Conversations is below (or click here):

Today was an important day for Nokia. After months of planning, we proudly introduced the Nokia N8, our latest smartphone and the first to feature the Symbian^3 platform. When it goes on sale this summer, we’re confident that the N8 is going stand out for its ability to create and consume media, and stay connected with social networks. We’re also confident that the products that make their way to our customers are going to be the best possible quality: Refined, tested, re-tested, evaluated, tested again, and then – once we’re all perfectly happy – shipped.

That is why yesterday, as I am sure many of you have read, wasn’t much fun for us. Unfortunately, an early prototype made its way to someone that wasn’t supposed to have it, and his early first impressions of the device and its software spread like wildfire. Buried deep down in the blogger’s salacious headlines about the software not being ready, was the most important point. This is a very early, pre-production prototype with dated software that is not yet ready. So the site’s comments that the software ‘felt premature’ is probably one of the more blindingly obvious things you will read this year.

This wasn’t the first time a Nokia product appeared online before it had been announced. This particular site openly flaunts its ability to acquire our property. Yes, we have to take a look at ourselves, and we are diligently hunting down the source of these leaks. Frankly, we pride ourselves on trust at Nokia, and someone has greatly betrayed that.

However, whilst we are determined to protect our intellectual property and maintain the surprise when a shiny new gadget is introduced, we are not going to do so at the expense of the working conditions we enjoy here at Nokia. We are not the Secret Police, and we want to maintain our culture of openness. We won’t let days like yesterday alter that.

So now that the official news is out, we’d like our prototype back. Please.


Category: Nokia

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Blogger, and Moderator for "" by Jay Montano. When I can, I also write help guides and review on my own site: I work full time but in my spare time I also repair phones, and other electronics. Find me on Twitter: @llaadd or Youtube: llaadd