

Video: Quick run through of PR 2.0 (Again) v020.033

| February 25, 2011 | 0 Comments

Seriously convinced that Nokia have no intention of releasing this firmware to the masses. Here again, we have another video showing pretty much the same software features we saw on Alex68’s video many months ago. We see finally an implementation of a split screen qwerty and the new browser though I can’t say there’s anything particularly impressive on show.


The firmware is dated February 11th so this is either in QA now or soon to be released. In any case N8 users should be seeing this in the coming weeks or in the worse case month or two. Video below




Seriously Nokia, get that new UI out the door, YESTERDAY.


Thanks Rubens





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So you've read something I've written. yay!! As you already know, my name is Andre and I'm currently a student based in Atlanta. Much like Jay, I pretty much blog here in my free time. Follow me on twitter @andre1989 or contact me directly at Andre(at)mynokiablog(dot)com. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.