

Closer look at Nokia TV- #NokiaEntertainment

| June 25, 2012 | 0 Comments

Regardless of what your thoughts are on the Nokia/WP strategy one fact that can’t be denied is that is has led to an increase in the number of previously dismal Nokia services, and more importantly these services don’t end up in the notorious “Forever-Beta land” (looking at you nokia pulse). Currently Nokia WPs have an impressive number of services provided by Nokia for their line of WPs (Maps, drive, transit, reading, creative studio, camera extras, play to, mix radio, TV, reading…) so here’s my attempt at taking a closer look at these services, starting with the Nokia Entertainment range which includes, Mix Radio/Nokia Music, Nokia Reading and Nokia TV.

As you should have probably guessed from the title first up from the entertainment line is Nokia TV, Nokia TV is one of the more recently launched services and is currently only available for those of you in Finland (shame), Nokia TV is a brilliant “catch up-TV service” that allows users in Finland to view content from some of the countries largest providers on their Lumia phone, Anytime- Completely FREE (there might be the occasional video ad).

Users of Lumia smartphones in Finland will be able to conveniently browse or search through the available catalogues of catch-up TV services from major local broadcasters and then stream a chosen show directly to their phone – without any sign up or registration.

So here’s the video in Glorious 1080p (poll: is there a need for 1080p quality or is 720p enough?- only asking cause of the file size/upload times):

As you can see in the video demo the services are really neat bringing you a HUGE variety of content from talk shows  to comedies to sport matches and all free, the other factor that really impressed me in the content provided was the quality of the content as it appeared to be “near-HD” quality.



Category: Applications, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.