

Nokia Lumia 820/Arrow? First Real Images! Looking Beautiful

| August 31, 2012 | 111 Replies

Yes! It’s finally arrived, the first real images of the upcoming Lumia device, what you’re looking at is most probably the Lumia 920 or Lumia Phi (Update: It seems this could be the 820 as well, so we’ll leave it at 820/Arrow) that we’ve heard oh so much about. First thoughts is that it truly is beautiful! Secondly it is quite big (which I’m liking even more), also they seem to have gotten rid of the silver plating on the back that surrounds the camera on the 900 & 800 , so even more to like! It’s interesting to see the charger port has been moved to the bottom of the device, also note the new WP logo button as well as “datasense” tile which tracks your data usage on WP8. The supposed version of the O.S. is 8.0.9735.0, the source also mentioned something about 335 MBs of ram for low-end devices, but I couldn’t make much of it, worth noting is the tiny speaker on the lower left side of the device, since the charging port has taken the normal speaker position, it’s been moved; however it does look a tad bit too small (especially with reports that HTC are bringing betas audio to WP8).

The rumored specs for this device are:

  • Dual-core 1.5GHz CPU
  • 4.65″ AMOLED Display (1280×720?)
  • NFC, LTE, external microSD expansion
  • Led NON-Xenon flash

What truly got me excited was the screen size, if the 820/Arrow is a midrange device with a 4.65″ screen size than a Phablet Lumia 900 successor is almost a sure thing, and if the device is bigger there leaves more room for a pureview sensor. Be excited guys!

*I was literally so excited to type this that I pressed publish with pictures only 😀




Can anyone make out the screen resolution????


thanks to @Et3rnal_ for the tip off 😀


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.