Treasure Hunt Across Barcelona With @Nokia_Connects #Lumia820

| February 26, 2013 | 0 Comments

Barcelona is a beautiful city, the only issue that MWC is indoors; and if you spend all day jumping from booth to booth you won’t really see any part of this gorgeous city. So @Nokia_Connects arranged a sort of treasure/scavenger hunt for the guys and gals telling us to use Nokia/Here maps to navigate from place to place across the city and follow clues to get to the final destination. So here’s a quick rundown of what happened 🙂

So they split us into two different teams and sent each one of us on our separate way

Clue #1-  We were given this at the Fira; and told to get started immediately

WP_20130226_046So after rushing out of the Fira we boarded the train that got us to the metro line; where we had some fun with some cinemagraphs,

From there we boarded the tram line which took us up to the top of Majestic park. Once there we tweeted Nokia Connects our cinemagraphs and they hooked us up with the next clue:


So once again we rushed off this time towards the Olympic stadium, where we had some fun at the field waiting for our next clue: Our next clue came in via email:

Hi Ali, Well done so far! Your next stop is the National Art museum of Catalunya! To get there, leave the stadium and turn left – carry on down the road. In between the two zebra crossings on the right hand trees you’ll find a beautiful short cut. When you reach some escalators, go down and then head to the front of the Museum. The stunning view will let you know you’re there! As you’re standing outside the most famous Art Museum in Barcelona, we want you to celebrate the changeable, colourful cases the Lumia 820 comes with. Take an artistic photo of the colourful phones with the amazing view in the background. Tweet your work of art to @Nokia_Connects (use #Lumia820). Then wait for your next clue via Twitter! Good luck ^PC

So we quickly bolted off once again (carrying our extremely heavy back-backs, towards the pretty museum) and as instructed took some pictures of the 820 at the entrance: after which we had some fun waiting for our next clue-

The next clue arrived via twitter:

Since we had no idea where this Magical fountain was, and none of us spoke Spanish I fired up Nokia City Lens and used it to figure out the location:

Apparently we got there so fast that our “familiar face” still hadn’t arrived; but not to worry- it turned out we had the last clue of the puzzle on us the whole time, in the form of an NFC pen that Katie gave us earlier in the day; we simply scanned the pen which told us to take the tram and head back to Plaza reial and hope we were the first people there.

Annnnnd! we finally made it!


All in all it was really fun, and we got to see a lot of Barcelona (although we were out of breath most of the time) but it was a nice change from the indoor booths and exhibitions all day long.


Category: Nokia

About the Author ()

Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.