

Late to the MNB party: My very own Nokia 808 PureView!

| April 3, 2013 | 0 Comments




Hello MNB Readers!!!

As some of you may know, most of the staff at MNB already has or have had an 808 PureView while I have been holding on to my trusty, nearly 3-year-old N8. Well, I still have my N8 but my 808 arrived last week and soon, hopefully, I will be able to posts a few articles centered around the 808 and Symbian in general.

With that said, if you all can bear with us and time/resources permitting, (specifically me in this case) what are some Nokia 808 PureView or Symbian topics or articles that you would like to see grace the pages of MNB? Symbian App updates, Apps that I use on a daily basis? Home screen setup? How To articles? Camera comparisons (I currently have Nokia 5230, C7, N8, 808, iPhone 4, HD2 with WP7.5 and access to regular cameras and camcorders and tripods, voice recorders)? Custom Firmware? Best Symbian site bookmarks? Navifirm, Phoenix or Nokia Suite info?

In-between time, please take a look at a few sample videos and pictures in my initial rookie run with the 808. Once I learn to properly utilize all of the settings, I am sure the quality of the pictures and videos will improve.

Nokia 808 PureView 1080p Lossless Zoom and Rich Recording (turn up the volume):

Video URL:

I have a couple of 808 videos on my MrNokiaTech YouTube page. More to be added soon.

Here is a cropped picture from my small photo collection on flickr: 808 PureView



On a side note, my 808 has a defective camera sensor, it has a purple “splotch” of bad pixels that show up in real-time in the lower left corner of the viewfinder, in pictures as seen in this video. I am VERY disappointed at that and working to get the device returned seems to be more trouble than what it is worth. If I send it back, it may take weeks to get a replacement so there may be some down time as far as new content being created.

I look forward to any feedback, questions, comments and suggestions. Do you have any tricks of the trade or recommendations that you use with your 808 or Symbian in general? Any particular camera settings or links to your photo set that you would like to share?

As always, thank you for choosing MyNokiaBlog and have a great day!



Category: Nokia

About the Author ()

Good day everyone! My name is Demitrius Harris and I am a fan of all things true. I currently hold a position in the IT Department at a college and I teach various classes when the opportunity presents itself. In the past, I was a Special Education Teacher and a Technology Education teacher at an elementary school and have held titles in the Financial industry. What does that mean for you, our dear readers? It means that I love to write and communicate as accurately as possible! It is my hope, that I will always be able to provide factual information concerning all things related to Nokia (even when the Nokia brand isn't printed) and anything else in the scope of technology that fits within the purpose of MyNokiaBlog. I humbly thank you all for reading my posts (and the MNB Team) that sometimes contain THOUSANDS of words. You all are the best and most respectful blog supporters in the world! Thank you for choosing! Sincerely, Demitrius Harris. Favorite phone of all time: Nokia N82 - Black