
Double Tap to Wake Will NOT Come to Lumia 720 and Below, Flip to Silence for Everyone

| August 31, 2013 | 0 Comments

DSC03434Even with the Amber update rolling out there still is some confusion as to what features will be included in it, Nokia conv has posted a helpful post detailing a lot of things about the update. Including why not everyone gets it a once, and why not everyone gets procam. Interestingly any device below the 720 benchmark (meaning all 512 MB devices – 720, 620, 625, 520, 521 etc) will NOT receive the double tap to wake feature (but will still have the glance screen), the removal of the feature has been chalked up to hardware limitations.

Many features, like ‘double tap to wake up the phone’, require certain hardware specifications to be available on the phone. Not all of the Lumia Amber features are compatible with all Lumia phones. For these reasons, the ‘double tap to wake up the phone’ feature is not supported on Lumia 720, Lumia 720T, Lumia 625, Lumia 620, Lumia 521, Lumia 520, or Lumia 520T

Nokia add that everyone will get the “flip to silence feature”  though:

‘Flip to silence’ on the other hand is available to all Lumia Windows Phone 8 phones so you can just mute an incoming call alert by turning the phone face down.

Regarding Nokia procam not coming to anything below the 92X series Nokia stated that this is also due to hardware limitations, although note the usage of the word “initially” meaning it might just come to the rest of the devices in the future?

Nokia Pro Camera is a high-end imaging application that requires a lot from both hardware and software. Therefore, we have initially optimized the application for the high-end Lumia smartphones, including the Lumia 920, Lumia 925 and Lumia 928.

Read more about the update here: http://conversations.nokia.com/2013/08/30/lumia-amber-your-questions-answered/



Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, my name's Ali- Currently a fifth (and final) year Dental Student from Chicago; studying in Jordan. I love all sorts of gadgets almost as much as I love my cookies! Be sure to follow my Twitter handle @AliQudsi and Subcribe to my Youtube for the latest videos - no pressure. Thanks.