

MyNokiaBlog is acting up on IE10/11 here’s how to fix it. (+comments discussion)

| September 22, 2013 | 0 Comments


For some reason lots of you guys on IE10/11 are having problems with MyNokiaBlog in a very random fashion.

Myself and Ali both noticed this problem a while back, where the browser would hang when you scroll in some articles to the comments section and then crash.

Today it annoyed me so much I started to look up a solution that didn’t included firing up Chrome, which I’m starting to think is being ignored on Windows (as the focus has shifted to Android’s Chrome).

Anyways if you face any problems with the site like this one:Error.Click on the “torn page symbol” next to the refresh icon in the address bar, which is basically a safe mode or compatibility mode for websites that aren’t IE friendly. fix The results are a bit awkward at first but you’ll learn to enjoy it quite fast and it drops 3d buttons and turn them into flat metro looking ones. :D.

Michael: I notice an issue on WP IE  a while back, where it wouldn’t update the cache, and I was stuck on 2 week old home page. The solution was to enable data sense to compress the data, as it forces it through a proxy. If you don’t have data sense, and have the issue, then I have no help for you.

P.S: Jay I think the crash is caused by the sharing buttons right above the comments.


Since we are on the subject of MyNokiaBlog as website lets discuss yet another thing; the commenting system.

Its been a problem on this site for quite sometimes, if we want to carry great conversations (and we constantly do) we must improve it by using a great commenting system like “Discuss”.
The letdown however is that Discuss doesn’t show any information on feature phones and even Symbian (808 users please confirm) so you can’t comment or read the comments.


Would you sacrifice “feature phone” mobile access to comments in favor of having an advance system that lets you follow the conversation with notifications, thumbs ups and offer a consistent profile with friends and points and following?

Speak up your mind in the comments and thanks for reading.



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Category: Nokia

About the Author ()

I love mobile photography, I have a serious 8 years relationship with Nokia , and a love/hate affair with Microsoft. you can follow me on twitter @nabkawe5