

Screen Test: Nokia Lumia 1520 versus Samsung Galaxy Note 3

| October 24, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Here’s a comparison between the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 and the Nokia Lumia 1520’s screen – specifically for outdoor sunlight visibility. Whilst my friends on Sammy phones have to cover their screens to see in daylight, my other friends who have got Lumias don’t and here’s a demo showing this in action on the 1520.

I like how the words changed on the Note 3 when some of them became invisible to possibly reveal a message.

Perhaps going for “Lumia is Better” haha.

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It’s a strange day when the Note 3 is dwarfed by the Nokia. This Lumia does however possess a 1080p 6″ display.


Via Joe Belfiore/Kevin Shields


Category: Nokia, Video

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