

Jolla’s relationship with Nokia “extremely good”, Jolla working on things the world hasn’t seen yet

| December 5, 2013 | 0 Comments

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Speaking with ZDNet, Jolla tells of their story from being a group of Ex-Nokians working through Nokia’s bridge programme to now independently producing their own phone.

Jolla says working on version one of the handset, they wanted to just make a product, stabilise it and stop on the new features. Any new features that weren’t stable were removed. (In reviews, some have said that this was one of the main issues). They note that they know the native Android apps are working well on the Sailfish platform. They didn’t even bother asking google for help or access to their store (though you can do it with a few steps). Instead, Jolla partnered with Yandex and have access to their 80,000 android apps.

There are other partnerships planned – OEMs, chipset vendors, ODMs, network operators to help build an ecosystem around MeeGo.

As Nokia is set to sell their D&S division, Jolla will become the main phone manufacturer in Finland.

“If this goes well, we have plenty of ideas — the problem is we have too many maybe. We just have to choose which one is the coolest one. There are things that the world hasn’t seen yet.”

Cheers Janne for the tip!


Category: Nokia

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