

Nokia can't compete in the High end -REALLY?!?!?

| July 23, 2010 | Reply

Tomi Ahonen the respected Mobile industry today posted on Twitter this very interesting graph that tech journalists seem to miss on purpose so they can report frankly diss Nokia or they are not doing their job properly. And just to make sure THIS is the smartphone market share not the supposedly ‘dumphone’ market, note Nokia gained while Apple LOST market share

Now people will probably counter argue and say well Nokia’s margins are low, well let me tell you why, if you have been paying attention to Nokia’s online store for the whole FIRST YEAR they have had A LOT of SALES and I MEAN A LOT of sales you were able to get Nokia N900’s for £400 or a N97 mini for £299 there were some real bargains. Another reason is the boring smartphone line up Nokia has had I mean can you still believe that the N97 is STILL the flagship device for Nokia (yeah yeah I know the N8 is coming)

Nokia have weathered the storm well with some criticisms I have got to admit but they are perfectly placed to show the tech world what they can do in the second half of the year starting with the N8 and Nokia World in september cannot wait 🙂

graph via Reuters


Category: Android, aPPLE, HTC, iPhone, News, Nokia, Photos, Rant

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Hey welcome and thank you for reading my post. Well I am a student based in the UK, and try to blog about Nokia as much as I can in my spare time. I am also on twitter where you can follow me @jwf90 or also the site @mynokiablog. You can also contact us with juicy tips or suggestions at tips(@)