
Category: Qt

Video : Tree Maker demoed on the Nokia N8

Video : Tree Maker demoed on the Nokia N8

| April 6, 2011 | 11 Replies

Advertisements As always, the game-seeker Camb078 from has found a cool Qt-based game on the Ovi store called TreeMaker. This cute game is a physics based puzzle that has various levels and chapters, like for ex : Angry Birds. Basically you(some kind of a black bird) should sling across platforms and make(?) trees  or […]

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New Multitasking UI for Symbian 3 leaked ???

New Multitasking UI for Symbian 3 leaked ???

| January 21, 2011 | 29 Replies

At first glance you might be looking at a pretty picture of these beatiful looking Nokia E7 with Qt quick demo apps, but after closer inspection the silver E7 in the left might be sporting a new UI for multitasking, now remember the E7 runs Symbian 3 and multitasking is definitely not like it is […]

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Qt Animation Framework – Creating animations and transitions

Qt Animation Framework – Creating animations and transitions

| July 21, 2010 | 18 Replies

[youtube=–nGM&hl=en_US&fs=1] If you are sick and tired of the state of the Ovi store and want to do something about it then start programming. I downloaded the Nokia Qt SDK today onto my MAC today for the intention of learning to code for Nokia phones and with such great tools like the Qt SDK it’s […]

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