Update: This is the new tips page. The old one has been so fortunate with many tips from MNB readers but the page became too bulky and unresponsive. Thank you to all those tippers on that page and apologies for the inconvenience as the tips page had slowed down. Thanks to those who gave us feedback about it.
Got a tip or article suggestion you’d like to share with MNB’s readers?
email us at
leave a comment below
Emailed tips may be published faster than the comments as that still currently relies of manual checking. We’ll credit the name/username you give us or can leave you anonymous if you wish.
More info:
What are we looking for?
- Anything Nokia related. Devices/Services/Software/Company activities
- Can be video, photo, screenshots or an article
- Reviews
- Rumours
- New apps
- App demoes
- Your own apps (if you’re a developer, let us know about your app. We’d love to feature it. Bring screenshots/video demo if you can).
- Ideas/opinion pieces
- Poll suggestions
- Accessories, accessories demo/review (if you have accessories you want us to check out, we can take a look. We’d love to hear from you if you’re the manufacturer/distribute)
- How-To guides
- We have a recommend an app section:Â
- Other Nokia related things…we are a Nokia blog
The Format:
- You can simply leave us the link/video/picture and we’ll create a post.
- Or if you wish, you can write up something and we can publish around that too. This will go under our new account, MNB Reader Generated.
- Pictures and screenshots help a lot.
- We will try to credit all sources and we will do our best to check that we find the originating source of the information (and mention the people/blogs) that helped us find it (unless of course, any party wishing anonymity).
- If you want your name mentioned, leave it in the message.
- If you do not want your name mentioned, please specify that you either wish to remain anonymous or by an alias that you specify.
- If a name is not seen in the main body of the email, we will just use the first name of the email account unless you have stated not to use any names.
- Please note, multiple links are automatically put on hold if they contain 3 or more links.
- We’ll try to get to your tip as quickly as possible.
- Please note that some posts will be scheduled to even out server load (thus post has been written up and will be published shortly – mostly for 00:00 GMT the following day).
- HOWEVER: If we miss a story you think we should cover, please don’t hesitate bumping it up or messaging again if you wish. As this is a part time thing, we might not always get to everything.
- Note: We are also aware of some problems with some posts not getting through. Apologies for the inconvenience of over-zealous filters. You may circumvent this through
Thank you so much! You guys are awesome!
In addition to email or the comments section, you may try sending a tip using the contact form. Note, I’m not quite sure if this will work. If you want to send an image, please upload to  and paste the link in the comment form
[contact-form subject=’MNB Tip contact form’][contact-field label=’Name’ type=’name’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Email’ type=’email’ required=’1’/][contact-field label=’Website’ type=’url’/][contact-field label=’Comment’ type=’textarea’ required=’1’/][/contact-form]
Connect with us on the following social media platforms.