

Video Comparison: Nokia N93i Vs Nokia N95

| September 18, 2007 | 0 Comments

From iGadgetLife

Results are pretty surprising. Whenever I’m given the option, I always choose my N93 over my N95 for video taking. It just produces less of that horrible wobble when you’re panning the camera on the N95. Furthermore, optical zooming is a bigger plus on video (not so much with stills), not to mention that the N93/N93i both have stereo audio recording and that it’s just more convenient to use as a video recorder with that form factor. Night mode fps is also better on the N93, plus it has the optional (if somewhat mediocre) video light.

However, more often that not, I don’t carry my N93 around as much and the VGA 30FPS on the N95 is great to have. Now only if it would activate quicker.

Check the comparison out, which do you prefer?

– iGadgetLife


Category: 3rd edition, Nokia, Nseries, Versus, Video

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