

The Phones Show: Episode 88

| August 23, 2009 | 0 Comments

In episode 88, Steve Litchfield covers the following topics:

  • Quick mini review of the HTC Magic – Android powered phone
  • There’s a debate as to whether Touch or Keyboard is the way to go – Why not have both? N97/ Touch Pro 2/G1 /(oh and N900/N97 MINI)? Although Steve is right in that these hybrids tend to be larger and more expensive, this form factor can continue to get smaller and cheaper so size and price will be less of an issue.
  • Hands on with the LG KS360 – Like the Nokia E75, it’s a side slider phone that reveals a full QWERTY. The E75’s dual form factor is much more useful, when it’s QWERTY is hidden away, it appears deceptively to just be a normal candybar. The LG KS360 does have a touch screen, but you can’t use it for anything other than the main dialler. Seriously?. Well, what can you expect for 80GBP?


Via 3lib


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Category: aPPLE, HTC, LG, Nokia

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