

Video: GeekBrief's hands on with the Nokia N900

| November 15, 2009 | Reply

Cali Lewis from, “a site that bridges the gap between hardcore geeks and grandmas who are casually interested in tech” has posted a very positive hands on of the Nokia N900. Cali seems to love that fm transmitter and the revived infra-red port, which will see universal remote control apps coming back to smartphones. Best of all, Cali sees the ultimate potential of the N900

“Software is really where the N900 can shine…it does really feel like I’m using a computer rather than just another smartphone

“the more you undertand Linux, the more you’ll enjoy all you can do with a N900”


It’s interesting that whilst the N900 is meant for a select audience of geeks and the N97 meant for the masses, the N900 has much more appeal to the average consumer. As Cali says,

“a less technical person would probably enjoy the N900. It’s by far the simplest and FUN user interface I’ve ever seen [on a Nokia phone]”

Cali stills finds the iPhone UI to be much simpler, with the Android powered Moto Droid just slightly less challenging than the N900.



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Category: Linux, Maemo

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