

Video: 9 homescreens on the N900 – all accessible in one swipe

| December 24, 2009 | 0 Comments

Intended day to day use: have main middle homescreen, quick access to eight others in one swipe. Swipe up for X, and then back to main homescreen.

Nokia totally got me hooked on their concept of homescreens and “alwaysonlineasithappens” with the N97. I found it extremely useful but wanted more of it than the one homescreen + blank screen that the N97 has.

With the N900 we had four homscreens! At last!

I’m able to have a main desktop for things I access all the time. I hardly go into my App Menu anymore because of this.

Another two I’ve for work and another for “news” when I’ve got some time to kill.

From the main homescreen I can swipe left for work or right for news.

But what about the fourth? Well, that’s two swipes away – and whilst that’s not much, it means I use it much less than the other two.

On one of Wednesday’s post

Firmware update wishlist for the N900: 35 things that need sorting in the Nokia N900 (software wise)

#25 highlights a suggestion of a grid of menus. This is something I’ve wanted from the N97. Swiping up/down for additional homescreens.

The video below shows an idea of what the N900 would be like if it had 9 homescreens

1. This may seem overwhelming (4 might already be too much for some), but consider than with one touch/swipe you can access all your apps/widgets/bookmarks.

2. No scrolling through menus, hunting for the app your looking for. Consider than in pressing the menu button is already one motion, and you might stilll need to scroll and find that app. Here, one swipe gets you to the position of your app.

3.From any homescreens 1-9, you can reach the others within one swipe.

4. Let’s take a phone’s 1-9 keypad. From 5, you can access all the others in one swipe.


5. For something like 1 to get to 9 or 7 to 6, we’ll have a continuous grid connecting the 9 homescreens

6. From any other number you can reach all the others.

7. I suppose this could get confusing, however there could be an indicator made to show exactly where you are. Like a 9 grid dot and one dot changes position when you move homescreens.

8.Imagine if this was implimented as the App Menu view too?  This goes a bit extra to the folder organization that I liked in S60, whereby from within 3 clicks [menu>folder>app], I can access 144 apps. With a 4×5 icon grid, you could have access to 180 apps

9. Also if like #8 you categorized them into Multimedia/office etc it might make it easier to remember what’s where. e.g. Need to find Maps? Under navigation. Twitter app? Connect [with people] Bounce? Games.

With your apps already on the homescreen, you might never need to check out menu again.

– just an idea.


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Category: Maemo, Nokia, Nseries, Suggestions, Video

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