

Video: Nokia E72 vs INQ Chat 3G vs Blackberry 8900 Curve

| March 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Ben of IntoMobile takes a look at the Nokia E72, INQ Chat 3G and Blackberry 8900 Curve.

He compares keyboards, size, and build quality.

Nokia’s E72 (which has recently been in high demand with 3’s subscribers) gets Ben’s praise due to the stupendous Eseries quality build (BB feelinig cheap and plasticky, even worse than the INQ)


Just a note: Ben says that he likes the BB trackball, but E72 and INQ stuck with a joypad. E72 does have an optical trackpad (albeit, not as smooth as the BB when I tried it). I wish Nokia revived trackball. No, not copied from Blackberry, Nokia’s had trackball since the 7650 back in 02.

Also, in terms of Ben’s BB keyboard preference, it is worth noting that it doesn’t mean the E72’s keys are bad (not said but could be inferred). They feel really nice to type on and has been verified in many reviews, including one from aptly named “Trusted Reviews” peeps who says

“One of the best things about the E71 was its superb keyboard and thankfully Nokia hasn’t messed around with it too much. The excellent bubble-style keys look and feel very similar to the original and the four line layout remains….So we’re happy to report that it remains one of the best mobile phone keyboards around and in our opinion even trumps the keyboards you’ll find on Blackberry handsets.

Finally, in terms of OS. it’s part and parcel to dis the S60 UI, but only in 5th edition where it’s obscenely out of date. For 3rd Edition, S60 non touch is really quite excellent.


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Category: Eseries, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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