

Ovi Contacts beta update to 1.5 (S60 5th)

| March 30, 2010 | 0 Comments

Nokia seem to keep on rolling out the updates and the latest one is Ovi Contacts which has now gone to 1.5 for S60 5th edition (Touch) devices.

The 2 main updates which were driven from requests from users are:

  • Pop-up note for incoming chat messages
  • Additional file types for file sharing: contact card & presentation

Head over to Nokia Beta Labs to get the latest update:

(You need to be signed in to download)


Category: Nokia

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Blogger, and Moderator for "" by Jay Montano. When I can, I also write help guides and review on my own site: I work full time but in my spare time I also repair phones, and other electronics. Find me on Twitter: @llaadd or Youtube: llaadd