

Video: Nokia N900 Controlling a Helicopter (for real this time)

| April 22, 2010 | 0 Comments

Remember on April Fool’s Day, Nokia Conversations showed a post of the N900 controlling a REAL helicopter?

Whilst that their hoax for April 1st, there was a snippet underneath by Iain Wallace of Do it Different, a super creative coder showing a peak of N900 controlling a mini helicopter.

Today Ian’s posted a longer version showing full controls from the N900.

It works over InfraRed so you have an immediate limitation with range. It looks slightly like the N900 is blowing some hot air which is keeping the helicopter flying. But cool nonetheless.

I can’t think of a possible longer range solution other than maybe either somehow work it over BT (I am no technician, BT receiver on copter?? would add weight and I don’t even know where to begin on technicalities) OR  you could still have the main radio controller but have the N900 control that instead of the copter directly? Though it slightly defeats the purpose of direct control.


Ian Wallace of Do it Different


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Category: Maemo, Nokia, Nseries, Video

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