

First Impressions of the Nokia N8 by Symbian France – undeniably attractive hardware

| April 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Symbian France had some down time with the Nokia N8 and shares some thoughts on it:

It’s in French and as good as googletranslator is, I may have misinterpreted in translation.

  • 12.9mm – slim, can be forgotten in pocket. Slimmer than 13.6 Nokia X6
  • Excellent finish – build quality of high end device being carved from anodized aluminium
  • Non removable battery – ergonomic choice, like iPhone [imo good to keep it slim]. You can access SIM and Memory card on the side. If you did want to change battery, it is slightly possible by unscrewing [helps when N8 comes to end of its life and you may beef it up again with new batt?]
  • Capacitive, Amoled, Multitouch – arguably the best screen ever on a Nokia – which is directly readable in sunlight (though photo might suggest otherwise)!!!!
  • You can do 16:9 photos at 9MP! [yay! I set N900 to 3.5mp as I prefer the 16:9 aspect ratio]

This being proto, software still has much time to change.

Via SymbianFrance via @Camb078


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian

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