

MakeMyApp: Green Tracker! – Track and interact whilst going green environmentally friendly! @Nokia @Nseries @Symbian #n8makemyapp

| April 27, 2010 | 0 Comments

Nokia has a competition running where they’ll turn your IDEAS into APPS for the Nokia N8.

There are four categories – Think Green, Fun and Games, Easier Living and Better World.

Here’s my Idea for “Think Green”.  It’s an app that makes green fun! Score points by doing green activities, playing green games (which subtly teach eco!),  and battle out your eco adventures at the leaderboard.

If you like this idea, please vote for us! Please check out and vote for Green Tracker. Thanks.

Better yet, submit your own ideas too!

update: –  there’s a prize of your app being made …and put on YOUR N8 at Nokia World 2010. Yes, you get to be at a “special event in London this September” aka Nokia World, and you get your own Nokia N8!]

Green Tracker!

Core features:

You may have used expenses tracker to help you monitor your expenses and make some savings.

  • “Green Tracker” would be an app to also track your “Green” expenses.
  • -“Green Tracker” would give you tips on how green a particular activity is. E.g. recycling, turning off lights/electrical after use, using public transport  and so many other things that would help go green.
  • -instead of just being tips, each activity is scored a “green point”, with higher scores the more environmentally friendly you are.
  • -“Green Tracker” will even have some interactive tips and games so you can get immersed with the idea of “going green” and reducing carbon emissions.

Green Tracker Games

  • -“Green Tracker” games may include having a recycling plant game – which item goes in which recycling bin. For this you’ll get a score and a recommendation to use these bins in future. It’ll show that a lot of things can be recycled whilst being a fun game. Learn whilst playing.
  • -“Green Tracker” game may include a shooting game where for each “green thing” you have done today, you will get an ammo. This relies on an in game test to test your knowledge on what’s a “green thing” to do.
  • -“Green Tracker” game could have a quiz asking you how much a certain activity is worth in terms of CO2 emmisions (over changing period of lengths, days, months, years to show people the cost of CO2). Indirectly this would teach that using public transport, or turning off the light really does help in the long run. This could be simply a “true or false” type game so it wouldn’t be too hard.
  • “Green Tracker” will have several more mini games like this which will both be fun

Green Tracker Social – Share your green friendliness with others

  • -“Green Tracker” may also add a GPS location where you get points when you come across recycling areas (e.g. after recycling game on “Green Tracker”. Upload these photos and geotag them to share with people on Ovi Maps
  • -you can track your environmentally friendly “green points” on your phone with “Green Tracker”. It’ll give you charts and graphs to show your greenness.
  • -“Green Tracker” could sync with Ovi so you can view it on your phone and online.
  • -You could share your “green points” scores over facebook/twitter so other people become aware of “going green” in a fun way. E.g. “I got 3000 Green points with Green Tracker”
  • “Green tracker” will have leaderboards for people who are also doing their bit to go green.
  • “Green tracker” will find other people using green tracker with GPS in your local area. You can have localized “Green point” leaderboards for your town/country/continent/world.
  • “Green tracker” can share data across the world of what “green activity” is most popular with its users, (indirectly showing how easy it is to do that and help the environment)
  • “Green Tracker” may provide actual incentives such as free apps/tracks on Ovi Store/Ovi Music if you reach a certain level of points (or this could be done through the “leaderboard” – maybe top 50 per month).

If you like this idea, please vote for us! Please check out and vote for Green Tracker. Thanks.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]