

Video: Orange Nokia N8 Pinch and Zoom Multitouch WebBrowser (+live pics of orange N8 and HDMI adapter)

| April 30, 2010 | 0 Comments

Camb078 has found a video of the N8 web browser via DailyMobile Forum Member modysd and has uploaded it for everyone to enjoy.

Apparently, this is an old video and the pinchy zoominess is smoother now and will be even more by release day.

Some interesting things quoted by orange N8 tester:

“software is still under developing”

“the camera can use  12, 9, 3, 1.3, 0.3 MP , and for recording you will have three options (MMS , DVD , HD)”

“the phone has one speaker near the camera but it is good and loud [chatting on twitter last night, the loudspeaker is supposed to be the most powerful ever used on a Nokia. The best ever is on the N800 – a huge tablet that can afford good speakers…can N8 really be that good?]

“i hated symbian after buying the nokia n97 but now i changed my mind”

Ahmed360 is the original source.


Alternative link as the above is down


HDMI adapter

dailymobileforum via

Video: Orange Nokia N8 Pinch and Zoom Multitouch WebBrowser (+live pics of orange N8 and HDMI adapter)

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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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