

Video: Maemo 5 panoramic homescreen on Nokia N97?

| May 11, 2010 | 7 Replies

The N97 homescreen was quite nice when it was released. But lack of widgets, space and taste of Maemo 5 made it feel extremely old.

Here’s a couple of videos showing a Maemo 5 style multiple homescreen on the N97.

It uses GDesk like the videos in this 5800 homescreen hack post.

Icon apps still open up S60 apps. There’s no escaping them. But imo – this style of non-grid locked homescreen is much more preferable.

A nice touch is that the status bar has similar functions (love it – quick access to settings without ever needing to dig for those options. Especially screen brightness, though I don’t know if that actually works on the N97 hack)





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Category: Nokia, Nseries, S60, Video

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