

Nokia N8 Benchmark: 244% faster than N97, 90% faster than i8910. N8 pushes more triangles than iPhone 3GS, Droid and Nexus One.

| May 22, 2010 | 25 Comments

Apparently the finestfones peeps have performed some benchmark tests on the N8 and claim

“N8’s ‘phone speed’ is almost 100% greater than the Omnia HD and 350% greater than the N97”

Well, with the N8 at 857 (acceleration ON) and N97 at 249 and i8910 at 452…

…that makes the N8….244% faster than N97 and 90% faster than i8910 with acceleration on N8 on.

I don’t know where 350% comes from. Maybe I’m doing my sums wrong.

with acceleration OFF

…that makes the N8…180% faster than the N97 and 54% faster than i8910.

Eitherway this should mean a much more snappier Symbian experience, nothing like the atrocious lags faced by N97/N97 mini users.

Whilst these results are great, we should also consider that really, we shouldn’t be expecting any less granted this is a device appearing 1 year later.

The test performed was speedy go which supposedly has a phone speed measuring ability.

“Note: The Speedy Go! test was conducted on the N8 firstly with 10 widgets running on the homescreen (five on the first page, five on the second and none on the third page). In that test, the N8 scored 777. The above screenshot was taken with 4 widgets on the homescreen. Please also keep in mind that this is a prototype N8; the software is not finalised. There’s still plenty of room for improvement.”

Another thing worth noting is that based on the Graphics Processor, the N8 on paper pushes 32 million triangles. In comparison, Apple’s iPhone 3GS pushes 28 million, Nexus One at 22 million and Motorola Droid at 7 million.

I won’t pretend to know about triangles/vertex/polycounts other than assuming that it’s another way to measure and compare performance, with more you can process, the better. Google it if you need more clarification or comment below if you have more insight into this type of thing.

I know some say that flaunting processor numbers is about as useful an indicator of comparable performance as citing number of megapixels to compare camera quality. Relationship between performance is more complicated than numbers in the specsheet.



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Category: Nokia, Symbian

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