

Video: Nokia N8 Ad – Nokia's N8 Foosball Fever – Greatest match ever played?

| May 31, 2010 | 0 Comments

A new Nokia N8 ad has popped up complete with several interactive behind the scenes and tricks.

The theme continues the whole “it’s not the technology, it’s what you do with it” and in this ad, we see the N8 recording HD and showing HDMI out on a big screen TV.

Whilst it would have been cool for the entire ad to be shot on the N8, the behind the scenes suggest otherwise (with that big bulky camera – as well as the fade focus in recording which N8 isn’t capable of)


Expect some more videos from Nokia showing off the N8. There’s an even cooler one coming up.

All about Symbian

Anyone noticing a resemblance between the N8 videos? (I have this thing for similar faces)…


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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