

We won the #NokiaSweded competition – Now it's your turn to join in and Win a Nokia BH-905!

| June 3, 2010 | 0 Comments


A couple of weeks ago, we posted our entry to WOMWorldNokia’s video challenge: #NokiaSweded. It was such a fun video to make!

The aim, to swede (spoof?) the Nokia Simple Human Solutions video.

Competition was tough, rivalling the creative works of @suju_k and @calasite. The winner has just been announced.

No way! Apparently it’s us! Thanks for voting for us ^_^. We couldn’t have done it with out you guys -_^

Big thanks to WOMWorld (props Joel!) for picking us as one of the three to enter the first wave of this competition ^_^

Your turn to try #NokiaSweded!

The #NokiaSweded competition is now also open to you guys.

Just recreate the original video, tag it #nokiasweded @womworldnokia and you could also get your hands on a pair of BH-905s.

It doesn’t take long. Sweded stuff are supposed to look really amateurish. So what you waiting for? Get stuck in 🙂


No details yet on the deadline or the criteria. I’ll update this once I find out. But this was the original criteria we were set:



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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]