

Pics: Original Nokia N8 Silicone cases CC-1005 for 4.99GBP (Black N8 unlocked for 449.99GBP?)

| June 18, 2010 | 0 Comments

Blog-N8 has found a pic of the silicone cases, official accessories for the Nokia N8 called CC-1005. Now the N8 has already passed scratch tests due to it’s super durable anodized aluminium casing, but just in case you wanted that added bit of protection or just wanted to give it a different look.

The official Nokia page calls them a second skin. Perhaps if you can’t decide which N8 colour N8 to get, there’s always the possibility of changing them with official and third party skins! Like if you’re getting a rebellious green but you’re in a professional setting – hide it with the black silicone case. Or vice versa, you’ve got a black N8 and want some colour on it :).

These cases surfaced a couple of weeks ago on coming in yellow, black, blue and pink and can be bought for £5 each (via Mobile Review forum member, though I forgot which one)

CHECK IT OUT on (no not being paid by, they’re just the only ones with a price listing)

They’ve got all four colours as well as other N8 accessories (cases). They’ve even listed the black N8 for £449.99 Sim Free. In comparison, a year old iPhone 3GS is 599.99GBP.



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Category: Accessories, Nokia

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