

China's first MeeGo tablet – The NPad, 10.1", Moorsetown with 8 hour battery life

| June 25, 2010 | 5 Replies

Image via Reggie

This is supposedly the NPad, China’s first MeeGo based tablet as showcased by Red Flag Software Co., Ltd.

I would have thought Nokia would have picked “NPad”, though I’m not a fan of that name.

It features:

  • 10.1-inch touch screen
  • WiFi
  • Bluetooth
  • 3G functions
  • GPS
  • and an eight-hour service time
  • preinstalled with applications like reading, instant messaging (IM), music, video, and office software
  • Powered by Intel Moorsetown
  • Price lower than iPad (which one? Base or or top end?) Via MeeGo Forum (Thanks for the heads up Jim)


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