

Video: Nokia N8 Demo again – Kill Switch and reboot demo (unintentional, but hey there we go)

| June 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Here’s yet another Nokia N8 hands on by V3. And not a recent one at that, but taken two weeks ago at the London Event. Since then we have seen many, many N8 demoes where there is definitely a positive growth in performance of S^3, which is worth noting since this particular N8 didn’t perform as well as we have seen (most likely not being on the same firmware).

  • Opening up music player seemed quite quick.
  • No transitions by default (most likely you have to activate this in settings). Seriously, why?! Put the transitions on by default Nokia.
  • Another example whereby Nokia have inconsistent demonstration devices. To be fair on Nokia, this media demo in London was not expected to this volume (many additional N8 and N8 personnel were called up) but having said that, the previous N8 crashing demo was in the main Singapore event.
  • Note that in this demo, visual multitasker DOESN’T work.It’s big ass ugly icons. I can’t stand just having icons for multitasking. Good thing this was an isolated incident with this N8.
  • Scratch test demo again (same guy that did the Shiny Media scratch test. Poor guy seemed to have forgotten the screen resolution of N8)
  • Demo of the Kill button (since we can’t whip out the battery, you just long press the N8’s power button – he says for 30 seconds, Nokia said 8. After then it will vibrate 3  times. )
  • Bootup takes about 30 seconds from Off to visible homescreen




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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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