

Video: MeeGo presentation

| July 15, 2010 | Reply

Here’s a 4 part presentation about Meego. It’s not in English but it still provides some information.

Presented by Raymond Liu, it explains what Meego is and why it was created. On the slideshow you can see MeeGo’s strategy and who’s contributing in it and which brands (part 3). The platform ecosystem is explained too, including  its structure. He talks about the developers too, MeeGo’s component architecture and Meego v1.0 for handset. You might recognize some slides that were previously seen on the internet .


And here’s part two and part three . The fourth part is only talking, unless you can understand it, don’t bother watching it

The key messages of this presentation are the following: ”Smartphones have become Consumer Computers” (Seems logic to me) and ”Meego is challenging Android as the smartphone linux standard” (I hope they win the battle vs Android, they have a long way to go.)

via: Video uploaded by Oka87490 from


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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I'm the type of person who like creativity, marketing,design,hardware and quality in Nokia.