

Concept Nokias: The Nokia Kinetic

| July 19, 2010 | 4 Comments

Now before you say anything about the uneven base, you’ve got to know there’s some function behind it. (Thanks for the heads up Keith!)

As described in the blurb,

“The Nokia Kinetic is a magical mobile phone that makes receiving a call, text, or email more playful by converting digital information into kinetic movement”

Basically, for incoming notification, the phone will spontaneously stand up.

It’s a 2009 design so still features the classic mini usb port. So glad pretty much everything’s gone micro. Remember the fuss when moving away from Mini USB and how all our cables were mini? Anyway, off topic.

It is a very playful design, it reminds me of that egg toy that lies down and bobs back up. The blurb continues to say this is intended for business users – which based on their general conservative tones will probably not appreciate that J-LO inspired bottom.

The front face however, and if the phone was univorm slim all over, would look quite beautiful, no? It’s kinda N81ish, now iPhone 4ish. I love how the bottom swoops around to the back instead of having a full sandwich effect.

Something a little like below (although could be more tastefully done with more time and skills :p)

Via JeremyInnesHopkins via thedesignblog


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Category: Concept, Nokia

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