

Video: Nokia N8 Speaker Test

| July 20, 2010 | Reply

Around a month to go for the rumoured Nokia N8 August 25th release. You’ve waited ever so patiently (since end of Not June, Not May, but APRIL!)

Here’s yet another Nokia N8 video, but this time “testing” out the N8’s loudspeaker – which is possibly louder even than the very loud 5800. (Would be nice to have some comparisons to better gauge the speakers against something else)

You’ll want to hit 720p for better audio quality, although we are limited by the camera’s recording of the sound and your speakers/headphones’ reproduction of that sound.


via uptodateksa2

Something I noticed in another Nokia N8 hands on (was up minutes ago but now removed)

When scrolling (e.g. contacts/music player/volume) you can’t just tap a position on the scroll bar and instantly be there (e.g. like in video/music player). You have to drag the scroll bar to that position. Does this really need pointing out?

Also what’s with the 4th Quarter release? Many places have already mentioned October (4Q) N8 was supposed to be out 3rd Quarter, of which September is the very end of it. Hmmm…


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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