

Nokia Ovi browser is real !!!

| July 28, 2010 | 0 Comments

NOKIA ARE MAKING A DESKTOP WEB BROWSER !!! Yeah you heard me right Nokia are making a desktop web browser tied to the various Ovi services revealed by Nokia’s favourite journalist or blogger or whatever you want to call him Eldar Murtazin. Apparently Eldar doesn’t mentions the name “Ovi Browser” due to the possibilities of him being in trouble with the Russinan authrorities for stealing Nokia’s trade secrets. Eldar has already played with the beta and is based on Webkit and is optimised for the various Ovi services as I said before. Obviously Eldar is not impressed then again he is not the person to take advice from when it comes to Nokia due to his “issues” with them. Although it is unusual for someone that lets face it “doesn’t” like Nokia writes and awful lot about them hhhmmm…… strange isn’t it.

Anyway why the hell are Nokia developing a desktop based web browser it makes no sense with the world’s media trashing them everyday for not coming up with an “iPhone killer” this really isn’t the time for them to pull of stunts like that. I know Nokia are huge and probably have a small team dedicated to this but I would much rather have the teams working on improving their smartphones.

Ovi integration does sound interesting as I use few of the services but would like to use more, although I would have preferred them to improve the Ovi experience on the phones.

Anyway what do you think, will you use Ovi Browser if it comes out ?? let us know in the comments



Category: aPPLE, iPhone, Nokia, OVI, Rant, Rumours

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Hey welcome and thank you for reading my post. Well I am a student based in the UK, and try to blog about Nokia as much as I can in my spare time. I am also on twitter where you can follow me @jwf90 or also the site @mynokiablog. You can also contact us with juicy tips or suggestions at tips(@)