Swype coming soon for Nokia N8
I am sure you guys all now what Swype is. When you see it being used it looks unreal because it shouldn’t be possible or it looks like a trick by David Blaine, the news is encouraging though if it is true. Swype usually do deals with carriers  or manufacturers rather than through an app although they used to distribute it through an app. I could see a deal between Nokia and Swype though, to be honest the current on screen keyboard’s on Nokia’s aren’t pleasant to use
In case you don’t know what it is
People having their minds being blown away by Swype
EDIT : One of our kind commentors mentioned something that I forgot, Nokia and Samsung did invest in Swype a while back so it should be available for the Nokia N8 and possible Symbian 3 devices going forward although why has it taken this long?!?!
thanks to Dj
thanks to Adnan for the heads up !!!
video’s via MySwype
Category: Applications, News, Nokia, Rumours, Symbian
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