

Video: Nokia Indoor Navigation demoed on the Nokia N8

| September 17, 2010 | 0 Comments

Back at the Ovi Good things event, Taimas from asked

Taimas: How about indoor positioning?

Arshia: Pino?

Pino: We are going to integrate soon in the WiFi positioning. Indoor positioning, other technologies for indoor positioning, are not in the road map yet..

Below in the video you can see indoor positionig in action. Now why would you want to navigate indoors?

  • Being at a new mall. Indoor positioning can help you find shops/services that you are looking for.
  • Being at a airport or train station and not knowing how to get to a certain gate.
  • Imagine being at a huge concert and you need to find your mates who have disappeared off somewhere (or find the toilets!)
  • keeping an eye on your kids (or like in face off, keep an eye on your prisoners).
  • Conferences and conventions like Nokia world. Find your colleagues or the booths you want/need to visit instead of roaming around callously.

In the video you can see not only the position but also directions on how to get there. I’m not sure if this would work across different levels/floors. Not really sure myself on the technicalities of how this works. It must be witchcraft – going beyond something we understand, oh so magical. I’m guessing if WiFi positioning, it’s similar to skyhook triangulation (which N8 uses already for Ovi Maps).

GPS is almost always destined to fail indoors so there must be a new way of positioning. Interestingly, this is demoed on the Nokia N8, meaning current hardware supports indoor positioning.


via NokiaConversations


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Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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