

Gallery: Nokia N8 versus Canon IXUS 130 – 9MP vs 10MP shots – witness the N8's precision pixels.

| October 1, 2010 | 1440 Comments

NokiaTeco.netMobility Lounge / GadgetBuff

have pitted the Nokia N8 against the 14MP Canon Ixus 130.

The N8 is on 9MP mode whilst the IXUS 130 on 10mp.

Look at the detail captured by this MOBILE PHONE. Nokia N8 on the LEFT, IXUS 130 on the right.

Viewing the full size images is essential, but even better is when you place side by side crops.

I don’t understand how everyone except engadget can get the N8 to produce such fine detail in the pixels? Now if only there was an iPhone 4 here…

(BTW anyone found any SLR comparisons? I’d just like to see how it fares against the true cream of the crops)

Mobility Lounge /gadgetbuff

via via @Cambo78


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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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