

MobileBurn's Full Nokia N8 Review – "best camera phone ever"

| October 6, 2010 | 0 Comments

On the weekend we saw Michael Oryl’s video review of the Nokia N8. Here’s the more detailed in depth text review from MobileBurn (USA).

Echoing IntoMobile’s sentiments, Michael agrees that the N8 has the best camera on any smartphone – the best camera phone ever.

+ve = Best camera ever, gorgeous hardware design, good battery life, great data speeds

-ve = Mediocre browser, touchscreen issues, UI feels slow at times, weak text input options

If you are a Symbian or Nokia S60 fan, your day has come. The Nokia N8 is the best Symbian device to have ever been sold. It has a great hardware design, good software capabilities, and the most usable touch interface ever offered on Symbian, thanks to the phone’s new Symbian^3 smartphone operating system.

  • Battery life pretty awesome – full screen brightness, wifi on – still lasting 2 days with light use, which Michael adds should be a day of heavy use
  • “When it comes to hardware design, the Nokia N8 pretty much has it all.”
  • “the phone’s camera is responsible for nothing but big, cheesy smiles. In short, the N8 has the best camera available on a smartphone today.”
  • S^3 is worlds apart from S^1 on N97 and N97 mini – no comparison, but still left unimpressed – menu feeling dated.
  • 5 of 5 scoreHardware

    3 of 5 scoreUsability

    5 of 5 scoreCalling / Data

    4 of 5 scoreMessaging

    3 of 5 scoreApps / App Store

    3 of 5 scoreBrowser

    5 of 5 scoreCamera

    4 of 5 scoreMusic

    4 of 5 scoreBattery

    3 of 5 scoreReviewer Spin

    Via MobileBurn thanks to alex68 for the heads up!


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    Category: Nokia, Nseries

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