

Video: Nokia N8's new browser and the new lag free, draggable homescreen!

| October 28, 2010 | 109 Comments

UPDATE: Nokia has filed a copyright complaint on this video and it has been removed. With the channel potentially being deleted too. Nice.

This video comes from alex68 who sent it in to What we can see are two cool things

1) Homescreen swiping works with drag kinetics! It appears that the swiping delay is gone WITHOUT having to tamper with settings and remove theme effects like in this post.

The lag on the homescreen has been criticised heavily, but fortunately (or not) it was part of the UI design and NOT a limitation of the N8 hardware.  Now that perceived lag is gone and it is said to be smooth and responsive.

2) New browser has got rid of that stupid ugly fat bar at the bottom it seems! Hurray! I have wanted that ugly fat bar (my affectionate term for it) to die since S60 5th. At least now, slowly but surely it’s disappearing.

  • The address bar is now at the top.
  • It appears that works like the awesome bar/N900’s address bar where you can type in url or search terms.  Check out the “G – Search for”! Brilliant stuff.
  • More of the screen is visible!
  • You can see the freaking keyboard AND the screen behind whilst typing on a touch screen.
  • Browser loads instantly without going to the bookmarks page (I’m assuming it loads a selectable home page – unless the link was already a bookmark, but then the icon )
  • Easy copy/paste/cut on the address bar (not sure if this is possible with web text itself)

The demo of browser is just for showing the UI and functionalities that were missing from S60v5 browser. However it is a still very much evolving and developing product, any arguments about performance and interface might not be fair for the time being.


Great news for Nokia N8, C7, (and future C6-01, E7, Symbian^3) users!

Many thanks to alex68!

Whilst we’re on talk of the browser….(and with the note about this product still in evolving stage)

  • When clicking BACK or at least perhaps with a multitouch gesture (e.g. two finger swipe back) could the web page just go back? Often I just want to go back a page and not have to go through the carousel.
  • Tabbed browsing. Need it and must have easy UI switcher for it.
  • Generally be as good as MicroB as noted at Nokia World (that new browser would be as good as the mobile browsers of the competition – unless MicroB should not even be considered as a mobile browser as it’s so good).

What are you hoping for/looking forward to in the new browser?

[btw is this the new Qt one? It looks massively different from the latest build as seen on C7)


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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