

Nokia N8 Portrait QWERTY – no more separate text entry field

| October 29, 2010 | 0 Comments

Above is a portrait QWERTY for the Nokia N8 which has been much anticipated. This should mean that swype (which I’m not a fan off, mostly because I cannot turn it off – like literally, it keeps turning itself back on and won’t let me use default qwerty) should work in portrait soon too.

Notice how the text entry field is not a separate text box (as seen yesterday in the new browser/fw preview) and also the suggested words bar.

Thanks to JFH for the tip – image comes by way of hardwarezone forum

If you can’t wait for the official Portrait QWERTY, there seems to be a .sisx file attached for the keyboard. Usual warnings for third party software.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries

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