

Video: Nokia N8 Sequence Mode App in the works by Dr Iain Wallace :p

| November 14, 2010 | 0 Comments

Sequence Mode – I’ve been enjoying this feature since my N95 but sadly this disappeared on S60 5th. Sure we had some what of an attempt at burst shot if your definition of burst is not even 1 frame per second. It was really more of an undefinable sequence mode as the original sequence mode on S60 allowed you to choose between “burst”, 10 seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes and 30 minutes. Features way beyond its time that was VERY useful if you wanted to make some creative stop motions or time lapses.

Different intervals are useful because certain events may take different time to complete, e.g.  7 hours of night to dawn (N85) or 30 minutes of a lump of ice melting (N95)



Similarly with quicker intervals, say 10s you could go about making a stop motion – with 10 seconds space to move your characters/objects around before the next shot.

Whilst I’m not sure exactly what’s coming from Nokia’s end, it seems that at least a SEQUENCE mode feature maybe coming soon by way of Iain Wallace (scratch that, Dr Iain Wallace PhD – grats :P) from the blog. Iain’s the AWESOME crazy Scot who controlled helicopters with N900, used the N900 as a remote flash, made his mac autosync photos with N900 and vice versa and so forth. THESE are the “CRAZY” guys we need for Nokia app development because they can do the things some of us just imagine (and at times not even think about).

Iain tweets that

“it is *very* alpha though. You’ve been warned. Not for public consumption just yet.”

Whatleydude, James Whatley has been testing it out


This is why I said a while back at Nokia World that I was really glad Iain won a Nokia N8 because he’s got this “Crazy Ideas Folder” of stuff he wants to do with phones. (Especially since he had a X10 and iPad to take away attention :p)

It would be cool if Nokia worked with Iain on this. Even if just to provide it as a separate app like the awesome Panorama app from Nokia (that I want to make a post about soon). Nokia were aware of sequence mode, but at the time of early Q&A I think they said they wanted to focus on bringing good still images – understandable. / WhatleyDude



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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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