

Nokia N8 Multimedia Computer – Designed by Microsoft in 2005? (N8 found in old manual :p)

| December 26, 2010 | 0 Comments

So my new laptop arrived and I’m reinstalling XP on my old XPS to give to my parents.

What with the mass of manuals for the Christmas gadgets, I thought I somehow came across something for the Nokia N8 as it had a picture on the N8 on it. But it’s not from Nokia.

It’s my Microsoft XP Media Centre installation document.  Look at it – some predicted tech specs 😛

  • Digital Camcorder
  • (Dolby) Digital 5.1 Surround System
  • Movie player
  • Can hook it up to TV (via tv OUT and HDMI)
  • The tower center kinda looks like it has touch screen :p Check out the floppy space action going on there.

Haha. What with the recent chatter of Microsoft-Nokia collaborations, I found this mildly amusing. Where else have you seen N8-esque designs? i.e. rectangle with swooping, tapering curves with another curvy rectangle inside.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian

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