

Qt SDK technology preview 1.1 goes live

| January 20, 2011 | 21 Replies

Gotta love twitter! This recent news was broken a few hours back but has completely taken over the twitter-verse in the past hour or two. According to the people at Qt- labs this new release is the marriage of the Nokia Qt SDK and the previous Qt SDK based on Qt 4.7.  Barely a day ago I was writing a post complaining about the lack of development tools from Nokia using Qt 4.7 which is pretty much the awesome sauce that everyone and their developer mothers has been looking forward to for a while now.

If you didn’t know, Qt 4.7 brings massive performance improvements to HTML rendering in addition to support for the HTML 5 hotness that everyone’s been harping about. This in addition to an improved Javascript engine (the main pain point of the current browser) and increased W3C (CSS and the like) compliance pretty much rounds off the WEB based additions to the Qt platform. The most interesting addition to  Qt 4.7 is the inclusion of Qt Quick aka QML, which allows for quick, easy creation of fluid user interfaces user significantly less code than would otherwise be necessary.

From the Nokia Qt SDK side there was the App simulator which has been included in this release as well as the ability to remotely compile apps to run on chosen platforms. Added to the API’s included with the most recent release of Qt Mobility 1.1 such as the Organizer API with support for iCal support allowing for the possibility of an improved calendar app with Google calendar/Ovi Calendar syncing (crossing fingers 🙂 ) I’m pretty sure devs the world over are salivating at the prospect of building some pretty cool applications.

The major  caveats here are that OpenGL ES support for Symbian is still not included, meaning that applications are gonna have to take all their processing power from the CPU (bummer!! 🙁 ) as well as the absence of MeeGo support . There may be a workaround for the former, however with native C++ API’s now being accessible from the same Qt SDK 1.1.

Any budding developers reading this, head over to the source link ASAP. Everyone else sound off in the comments!! 🙂


Forgot to mention support for Mac development 🙂 Enjoy

Source: Qt labs



Category: 3rd edition, 5th Edition, Linux, Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, OVI, Qt, Symbian, Symbian^3

About the Author ()

So you've read something I've written. yay!! As you already know, my name is Andre and I'm currently a student based in Atlanta. Much like Jay, I pretty much blog here in my free time. Follow me on twitter @andre1989 or contact me directly at Andre(at)mynokiablog(dot)com. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.