

Twimgo 2.6 released

| February 5, 2011 | 37 Replies

Following on from the Nokia Bubbles beta we showed you yesterday, (which if you haven’t already downloaded, you probably should, like NOW), we’re happy to bring you a new release of the lovely and FREE twitter client, Twimgo. The developer, Tommi Laukkanen would love for you guys to try out his new app and leave as much feedback as possible so head over to the download link and leave any feedback either here, or over at his blog.

The application is built using QML, Qt Quick and Javascript. If this is a sign of the fluidity and awesomeness of apps on the way to the Ovi Store  (which just got support for Qt  4.7 applications in that last update btw) then we’re in for a treat!

For more information on the importance of Qt Quick and QML, check out the following post or get more detailed information at

Installation notes:

Be sure to install Nokia Bubbles and or Install Qt 4.7 from a separate repository FIRST.
Subsequently reboot the device and install TwimGo from the download link.
You may notice slight improvements all across the device, including in the Ovi Store, that IS normal :-P.

Now get to downloading people!

Update from llaadd:
Video of Twimgo 2.6 on the Nokia N8, note that it works exactly the same on the N900.
p.s. sorry about the quality of the video, I’m getting used to a new video editor!



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Category: Maemo, Qt

About the Author ()

So you've read something I've written. yay!! As you already know, my name is Andre and I'm currently a student based in Atlanta. Much like Jay, I pretty much blog here in my free time. Follow me on twitter @andre1989 or contact me directly at Andre(at)mynokiablog(dot)com. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.