

Video: Burning Tires 3D (racing game) on Nokia N8 available at Ovi Store

| March 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

Camb078 has a couple of demo videos on show. For this post, we see a fun 3D racing game called Burning Tires 3D on his Nokia N8, by FISHLABS (makers of Galaxy On Fire)

Get it from Nokia’s Ovi Store

Pick a giant off-road vehicle with up to 1000 HP and careen at break-neck speeds past dangerous crevices, across glaciers and over glowing streams of molten lava. Be relentless and ram your opponents and force them off the course to win the competitions. Buy Burning Tires ™ and put the pedal to the metal on the most dangerous tracks in the world! Features •12 detailed courses in 3 different environments •7 individual off-roaders •3D driving physics •Action-replay •Particle and weather effects



Category: Applications, Games, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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