

Copy and Paste across smartphone platforms

| April 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

One of the main complaints about Windows Phone 7 upon its release was its utter lack of text selection and/or copy and paste, a dire failure if ever there was one; Especially in light of the fact that almost every smartphone platform has had such a simple feature since their inception. Having been running a NoDo equipped smartphone I can say that it’s most certainly a welcome addition but certainly not enough to preclude me from complaining persistently about things I wish WP7 could do.

The guys over at pocket now whipped up a quick video comparing text selection across a number of devices and smartphone platforms, including Android, Symbian^3, BB OS6, iOS and WP7.  The key takeaway, Symbian’s text selection is on par with Windows Phone 5 (circa 2003) and worse than BB OS6 while WP7 is on easily on par with the rest of the competition. Of course, many hold the opinion that if you’re worse than RIM at ANYTHING, you’re pretty dire.

Video below:

As glad as I am to see the Symbian Anna update and all it brings to the platform, I can’t help but want more, lots more from Nokia and I somehow doubt they can deliver.



Direct youtube link


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So you've read something I've written. yay!! As you already know, my name is Andre and I'm currently a student based in Atlanta. Much like Jay, I pretty much blog here in my free time. Follow me on twitter @andre1989 or contact me directly at Andre(at)mynokiablog(dot)com. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.